Thursday, April 2, 2009
Why I'm broke

Thanks for the guitar stand mom!
Heya. This blog is really starting to look like one huh? I added a picture, did some html mambo jumbo. Won't hide the fact that I got a little impatient with this thing. Well what can I say? I barely know html, besides the font thingys.
This morning I went to the gym. It really feels great after a workout! Been in a good mood ever since. I really think one of the reasons why the world is so angry is cause we don't excercise enough. Gotta get the happy adrenalin going. Yeah, my theory.
This morning I went to the gym. It really feels great after a workout! Been in a good mood ever since. I really think one of the reasons why the world is so angry is cause we don't excercise enough. Gotta get the happy adrenalin going. Yeah, my theory.
Yesterday, I did something surprising. I'm surprised at myself. Some people around me will know that I've been thinking of giving tuition lately. Well yesterday I was at Sak's house and her aunt happened to come by. She's got a kid, primary 3, who needs english tuition. So Sak's mom was telling me this could work out if I wanted to take the job. We all talked for a while and I was thinking, yeah, I could use the extra cash. After all, being a teenager right now isn't exactly a cheap affair. But then after hearing the aunt's side of the story, I just decided that, you know, in life, not everything has to be done for money. Whatever happened to goodwill and love? I always wanted to do something to pass on whatever I got from all the loving people around me. So as it ends up, I now have a kid to teach and guys, I'm still broke.
It feels good to give. I've always been a giver. Have always seemed more happy seeing people's faces light up than if I bought something for myself. Am I a weird person? I'll leave you to think about that.