Sunday, April 5, 2009
The importance of good shoes


Today was a painful day for me... for my feet. I get very annoyed when my mom wears heels to shop. Well not high heels, but taller than normal shoes. Like shorter than a wedge but taller than a slipper. Whenever I go out with her, she'll want to take a seat every once in a while cause she says her feet hurt. Sometimes she brings a pair of normal shoes along. When I say she brings, I mean she gets either my bro or me to carry the shoes for her.

Like every other sunday, we went to church today. I was in a rush to get out of the house so I didn't put on my sneakers or sports shoes. I just wore sanuks. For all y'all who have no idea what a sanuk is. It's basically a canvas covered shoe with a slipper base, a beach shoe. I had no idea we were going shopping at the mall later, and for so long. We just walked everywhere and after 4 hours, I really knew the definition of agony. The slipper base didn't provide much cushioning after a while. It felt like my whole weight was concentrated on two points of my feet. It didn't help that I was carry shopping bags as well. Now I know how my mom feels when she wears heels. I wanna sit down too!

Next time, when I go a-walking for a long time, I will definitely, definitely, wear my sneakers or sports shoes.

Mr Darcy: You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.

11:53 PM.