Sunday, April 12, 2009
Cleaning Up

Hello from a nicer looking room!

I was bitten by the organising bug late last night. I'm not a very neat person but sometimes (and the sometimes my mom wishes I have more often) I just start cleaning stuff everywhere.

From late last year, I knew I wanted to organise my life. The mental, spiritual and physical aspects were all messed up. Well I got started on the spiritual part and the mental just fell into place. The last of the physical cleanup was done yesterday.

I feel so much better in a neater environment and as a whole person. The past few months, I struggled with myself and everything else. So much relief that all those episodes are over!

I'm a miracle in progress. World, come at me!

Mr Darcy: You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.

11:22 PM.