Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Say Cheese!
Hi. It's been a while...School's started and "busy" is now a word that can be used to describe me, contrary to my extremely carefree life a month ago. School has also got me thinking. I have very interesting classes you see. But what I would like to touch on today, is not about my whole schedule and preparations to drown everyone in the sorrows of student life. This is simply an observation of people and, of myself.
This was contrived when I was waiting at a bus stop, fearing that I was moments away from receiving a phone call that I would rather not get. I was going to be late for my appointment. But it turned out well and that's another story. Anyway, the topic of "smiling" popped up in my head and I was thinking about that and all that comes with it.
I have observed and heard, the latter more often, friends and people around me relating stories about how someone smiled at them and they found it creepy. The someone can be anyone, the lady or gentleman walking down the street, of any age, wearing anything. People would give each other looks and cringe and walk away briskly. Our society is so narrow that we assume that if someone smiles at us, they'd have to be hiding a motive, which brings to mind the story mummy always told you. Don't accept sweets from smiling strangers, or something like that. We walk around expecting danger at every turn; the ladies bring personal alarms with them; the elderly bring walking sticks and brollys.
People are scared. We fear. We have been taught to fear. Our reactions betray our upbringing. Even myself, if someone smiles at me, I'd be wondering if the fella's gone wonky in the head. Lets face it. We don't advocate smiling. We think it's weird. The "cooler" bunch would think that it betrays their image. And yet, we wonder why we have such an ungracious society. We hate it, we condemn it, when the sales assistant does not smile and display friendliness. We call that being rude.
The only time I hear positive things about smiling people, is when the subject is an extremely dashing man or woman. Here's the joke. The people who talk about being creeped out earlier, suddenly embrace the gesture as a compliment and lo ho! Let the flirting begin.
All these, I find extremely funny. I don't know if you can detect the humour behind it but I'm having so much fun writing this piece and just thinking of it. There are so many ironies in life and this is one of them. But a word of caution, since I laugh at everything, you might not catch my drift. Even so, I'm just saying...
Cheers! I'm feeling so frisky! Here's a smile for you. :D