Friday, April 17, 2009
My Ideal Holiday

Good morning!

I was talking to my mom just a couple minutes ago, and I was telling her that I saw some articles in the papers about really nice island getaways. So I said I wanted to go and she went, "Yeah, they're nice."

I thought I'd share some thoughts regarding that. I know it's not really holiday season yet but it doesn't hurt if I talk about it now. Besides, people have been asking me about holidays and travelling recently (we're a pampered bunch of kids we are).

Okay so for me, I have a list, sort of requirements I guess. Check this out.

This is the "other part" of the list.
So this is pretty much it. I might have a few more points here and there later on. But this is what I can come up with offhand. I think this is the first post I actually might encourage my parents to read.

Mr Darcy: You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.

11:40 AM.