Sunday, April 26, 2009
Terms and Conditions

I was out today and I while eating, I noticed a display promoting some discount. Something about, "Get 4%* off."

There's always a catch; the extra asterisk at the back. I wonder why people can't be nice and take away the extra condition. That would make the world a better place won't it? To just accept everyone no matter what. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

Even in life, we come with a lot of terms and conditions. So I thought. If I came with an asterisk, what would my T&Cs be?

I thought about this for a while. Really, it's not easy to come up with something like that so easily. I'm just going to group everything into two lists.

I can live with,

I think loads of people live like me too. I can write about a lot of things that I dislike or like. But I'm just writing about what I can live with. I haven't gotten to the without part.

See I think when anything happens, the things you can't live without are more important than the things that you can live with. You can't live without water but you can live without money. So now, I have my without list.

I can't live without,

This probably is hard to understand, especially for the non-believers out there. I might sound crazy to y'all. But it's true. That's me. I can't live without God. I can live without music (which I'm very attached to), my friends, money. Everyday I realise how much more dependent I am upon Him.

The other day I was watching a drama. The female character asked another character, "So, do you believe in love?" I was going yeah! As I grow older, I begin to realise so many things, and one of those things is that, yes, love really exists. Of course people deny love for many reasons. Money, status, fame, or simply because they've just been hurt so much they don't want to admit this existence. Like I wrote before. God is love. How can I not believe in love if I believe in God?

I come to my conclusion. My asterisk represents Love. Yeah I'm putting it in caps cause it's important. I'm curious. All the people out there? What's your asterisk mean?

Mr Darcy: You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.

4:24 PM.