Sunday, June 7, 2009
Overflowing Blessings
Friday Morning.
These two days have me aching and feeling a little heavy. Refer to the picture above. That, with badminton, has made me into a groaning, painful person. My hands and arms are totally wasted.
I can't remember the last time I played at the range, but it was a much more lonely affair. This time, I went with someone and that made all the difference. It's amazing what a little company can do to you. I used to think (and sometimes I still think) that I can do everything on my own. There's this phrase, "No man is an island". If you had asked the younger me about this, I would have said absolutely. Even now, I stand by my answer. But, I haven't exactly been keeping to my opinions. I still do things on my own. Independence, that's what they call it.
Doing things on your own can get a little lonely sometimes. Other times, I actually appreciate the privacy I get. That means I get to spend alone time which translates into time for thinking. When I'm not thinking, I'm not writing on this blog. That's when you know I've been occupied all day with outings and other activities.
This week has been busy. It just keeps getting better. Thank God! All the happy hormones are flowing. They flow all the time, just that now, more than ever. It's so amazing how things just fall into place. They say talk is cheap, but look where I am now. Just riding on the power of prayer. I'm going to have a long talk with Him at church later this morning.
I might be having a good week but I know some people aren't. Just like they are there for me and to keep me company, I want to be a pillar of support for them too. So guys, don't be afraid to fall. I'll catch you.
Hope you have a pleasant morning, to all those who are not intending to sleep on this hot hot Sunday.