Sunday, January 9, 2011

This year, God has put a word in my heart; growth.

This year will be a year of growth, and already I can see the transformation. Truly God is good. I have been keeping a journal, writing in it daily. This year is so exciting, and I just cannot wait to see what will happen next.

This year is the year I decide to do the hard things. This year I give more of myself, and embrace more of Christ, so that eventually I will lose myself, and become Christ-like instead. Everyday I find myself in situations to win or lose the battle for God. Every decision is war. I thank Jesus for being who He is, because really, it isn't easy. Everytime I feel like giving up on doing good, I remember that I cannot. Deep down inside I am convinced of the right thing. Today's phrase is "I am convicted". So I cannot escape. God has opened my eyes to so many things. He has given me much insight, even in times of sadness. He is constantly carrying me, and lifting my heart, so that at the most unexpected moment, I am refreshed again. I pray that I will tarry until in the periods of plenty, and through the dryness as well. Because if You ask me to wait, then I will wait till You come again, because You will come again.

Mr Darcy: You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.

11:52 PM.