Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I thank God that I am stable and rooted in Him, so I have the ability to love the people around me. I have reached a point where I feel comfortable, I have an understanding with God. So I thank God that I am here today, so that I can be a comfort to my friends. That I can be there for them, just as You are always here for me Lord. And you remind me, that You have not forsaken anyone, so I will not. I will love, and I can, because you first loved me. Your grace and mercy is abundant in my everyday. And your love is something I will never be able to comprehend. But you have taught me to love, to put others before myself. I know that I am never truly alone, because You are always here for me Lord Jesus. I am so thankful.
Mr Darcy: You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.
1:48 AM.