Thursday, June 25, 2009
Listen, To My Cry
I told Him to keep me
And never let go
When my spirit wavered
He still kept hold
Thinking things happen for a reason
What do I know
Will I get through this
To believe and continue to grow
Please make me strong
And help me move on
When feelings descend
Will I still stand
Through the haze and confusion
Of thoughts and people
Save my soul Father
When it gets tough
I give it all up to You now
Will You show me the path
Because Father
I know in You I can trust
And never let go
When my spirit wavered
He still kept hold
Thinking things happen for a reason
What do I know
Will I get through this
To believe and continue to grow
Please make me strong
And help me move on
When feelings descend
Will I still stand
Through the haze and confusion
Of thoughts and people
Save my soul Father
When it gets tough
I give it all up to You now
Will You show me the path
Because Father
I know in You I can trust
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thank You for Caring
I have always lived my life the right way. I woke up, had my meals, went out a little bit. Sometimes I would find myself to be such a normal person, almost forgettable. I wondered sometimes, if anyone was thinking of me, talking about me, praying for me.Yesterday, I was having dinner with someone. We were talking and suddenly, the topic became about fasting, since the fasting month is nearing. We were talking about what fasts we will be doing, who we will pray for; etcetera. She told me she had been praying for me, and not only her, but also her whole cell group and my other colleagues. I was surprised. I didn't tell them I had issues. And to include the whole cell group who at the time, hadn't even met me, was mindblowing!
I realise that the changes and improvements over the last couple of months was not only by the power of my own prayer, it was the power of all the people that I didn't know, together with me. Most importantly, it proves that my life now is no fluke.
Praying for someone you don't know is an amazing thing. It takes so much love to even bother to care about someone. We always abide by a "don't be kaypoh and keep to yourself" rule. It cannot be more ironic the things we are doing now for others who sometimes, don't even realise it. Yesterday I realised I received. Yesterday I realised how many people made an effort to care. Today! I want to love the people I love, the people I don't like, and the people I don't know. No one has to know I'm praying for them, they just have to know they are loved and maybe, they'll feel as aweome as I feel right now!
Monday, June 15, 2009
A couple days ago, a friend called me up and asked for a favour. She wanted me to listen to her presentation to practise for the real thing the next day. She came up with a whole complicated talk. One thing jumped out at me. It was the clearest thing in the whole complicated explanation. She asked me this question. "Have you ever wondered why you're on this earth? Why were we born on earth?"She answered that question herself. "We must have a purpose since we're here." I told her I had an answer to that question too. I could tell she was a little taken aback. I guess it was a normal response. I mean, how many people can tell you they have a definite answer for a question that difficult and uncertain. Everyone tries to find an answer. Some people search all their lives and never concur.
Many of us spend our whole lives asking that question. And many say that they have found their answers. Some live for their family; their friends; in short, they live for others. Were we put on this earth to live for other people; to make them happy? Is that our purpose? Some may say that they don't know why they're here. Some wouldn't want to be here if they could choose.
I feel sad when I hear or get to know of people wanting to end their lives. They don't know what they're doing. They don't know what they're losing. God gave them something precious but they don't understand. I was just surfing a website about a little girl. She's got cancer and in order to get the best survival rate, she has to go to New York for treatment. Only problem is, her mom can't afford it. So right now, she is desperately sourcing for donations to save her daughter. She says she has never felt so humbled in her entire life.
Juxtapose this. While someone can try so hard to save a life, others simply live a "meaningless" life as they call it and try to end it all. I'm sure my Father didn't bring all of us here to just die. My friend was right about all of us having a purpose on earth.
I believe I am here on this earth to honour Him. To live for Him. In these two sentences, my whole word is expressed and summarised. In everything I do. And since I know he brought me here for a purpose, I'm sure he makes things happen for a reason too. Everything I go through, is simply to make me stronger and a better person. It's because of this, that I know that a little girl is not suffering for nothing. Her mom is not put through this ordeal for nothing. He has a plan; and I believe Him for it.
When you feel like you have no purpose and feel so unwanted and tortured on this earth, won't you just trust in Him for you? After all, He is God; and God can do all things.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
In My Mind, The Rain Washed Everything Away
She hopped into a cab
And left me standing there
I waved and she waved
I still stood standing there
Wondering, how could this be
Such burden, such aversion
Should it be hate
Or am I too judging
As I stood on the sidewalk
Waiting, the rain answers my daze
I see it illuminated
In the headlights of the cars passing by
It feels like a moment
Rain descends on me
I keep walking
We all need to keep walking
If only the rain
Could wash it all away
To relieve us
And set us free
Is it real
Open my floodgates
I know this is right
Because the rain washed everything away tonight
And left me standing there
I waved and she waved
I still stood standing there
Wondering, how could this be
Such burden, such aversion
Should it be hate
Or am I too judging
As I stood on the sidewalk
Waiting, the rain answers my daze
I see it illuminated
In the headlights of the cars passing by
It feels like a moment
Rain descends on me
I keep walking
We all need to keep walking
If only the rain
Could wash it all away
To relieve us
And set us free
Is it real
Open my floodgates
I know this is right
Because the rain washed everything away tonight
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Last night or rather, early morning, was a nightmare, literally. I had nightmares during the times I actually slept. Other times. I would toss and turn in bed while willing my body to transcend into the legions of rest. I must not have a strong will. It didn't work out the way I had pictured it.I have no idea what's keeping me going. Maybe it's because I had a friend over today. Or maybe it's because I've been blasting music for the entire day if not, making music. Well I'm not sure but I sure am grateful that I kept awake for the things that happened today. I wouldn't have had that much fun sleeping.
I would like to share a picture. This was photoshopped by a friend. I think it's beautiful and I would like to put it here to remind everyone that in this crazy, crazy world, we can still seek solace in our mates. May God bless you and may He bless us all with cooler weather.
Overflowing Blessings
Friday Morning.
These two days have me aching and feeling a little heavy. Refer to the picture above. That, with badminton, has made me into a groaning, painful person. My hands and arms are totally wasted.
I can't remember the last time I played at the range, but it was a much more lonely affair. This time, I went with someone and that made all the difference. It's amazing what a little company can do to you. I used to think (and sometimes I still think) that I can do everything on my own. There's this phrase, "No man is an island". If you had asked the younger me about this, I would have said absolutely. Even now, I stand by my answer. But, I haven't exactly been keeping to my opinions. I still do things on my own. Independence, that's what they call it.
Doing things on your own can get a little lonely sometimes. Other times, I actually appreciate the privacy I get. That means I get to spend alone time which translates into time for thinking. When I'm not thinking, I'm not writing on this blog. That's when you know I've been occupied all day with outings and other activities.
This week has been busy. It just keeps getting better. Thank God! All the happy hormones are flowing. They flow all the time, just that now, more than ever. It's so amazing how things just fall into place. They say talk is cheap, but look where I am now. Just riding on the power of prayer. I'm going to have a long talk with Him at church later this morning.
I might be having a good week but I know some people aren't. Just like they are there for me and to keep me company, I want to be a pillar of support for them too. So guys, don't be afraid to fall. I'll catch you.
Hope you have a pleasant morning, to all those who are not intending to sleep on this hot hot Sunday.